what remains of the Oslo Accords 30 years later?


Video duration:
3 mins


Article written by

franceinfo – B. Mousset, C. Ricco

France Televisions

Thirty years ago, Israel and Palestine signed the Oslo Accords which were intended to end the conflict and pave the way for lasting peace. Today it is nothing of the sort. In Gaza (Palestine) and the occupied territories, no one believes in peace.

On the shores of the Mediterranean near Gaza (Palestine), two young people sing a hymn to peace, a peace they have never known before. However, 30 years ago, it was considered. After this handshake, described as historic, between the Israeli Yitzhak Rabin and the Palestinian Yasser Arafat. It was September 13, 1993, on the lawn of the White House in Washington, the Oslo Accords were signed. Negotiated in Norway over six months in the greatest secrecy, these agreements notably provided for mutual recognition.

Borders still closed

Two years later, Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Palestinian extremist. The Oslo Accords will go no further. 30 years later, peace has never seemed so distant. The conflict has even intensified in recent years. With these agreements, Palestine’s borders should have opened but they are still closed. A peaceful settlement seems far away, young people don’t even believe in it anymore. For them, the situation has gotten worse since then.

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