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To reduce the holiday bill for the French, the government is asking motorway companies to make a gesture like last year. Clément Beaune encourages them to lower their prices by 10% this summer. Vinci notably offers a 20% discount if you subscribe and pay by holiday voucher.
Two major motorway companies are offering reductions this summer of 20% and 25%. It is a commercial gesture that could relieve many vacationers. “Anything that can be beneficial to me, that interests me. In addition, Ialready use checkss holidays on my electronic toll“, advances a motorist. French will be able to deposit holiday vouchers up to 250 in an electronic toll account between June 15 and July 30. For 100 euros deposited applies a bonus of 20 euros, the equivalent of a route Paris-Avignon round trip.
A response to a government request
You will need to have a paying electronic toll subscription and benefit from holiday vouchers. Some drivers don’t. “I’m not sure this answers everyone’s problem. This concerns part of the population who can benefit from holiday vouchers. I born pdon’t think ite is the majority of motorway users”, gets angry a user. This commercial gesture responds to the request of the government which asked Wednesday, June 7 in the morning for a tariff effort before the summer holidays.