what really happened in their jacuzzi

It’s already time to take stock for our 13 farmers from season 18 of L’Amour est dans le pré. While this Monday, November 13, 2023, M6 is due to broadcast part 1 of the review, some contenders have already tried to spoil the end of the show (Maria and Sophie, who would have received a warning from production). Fortunately, some secrets still remain to be discovered.

“There was no question of anything happening

For Julien, a 42-year-old dairy cow breeder based in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, the choice was not easy. Originally from Doubs, he returned to the show as a candidate, after a first appearance in 2015 as a suitor and he brought Thibault and Bastien to his house, to make his choice.

Questioned by Belgian host David Barbet during a live TikTok published on Saturday November 11, 2023, the first returned to their rapprochement. They indeed spent a very intimate moment, alone in a jacuzzi, and filmed by the cameras of M6.

According to Thibault, nothing “absolutely nothing happened” between him and the farmer, then. And to add: “We were very clear and then we both knew very well how the week on the farm was going to end”. Finally, the suitor explained: “There was no question of anything happening between Julien and me as long as Bastien was at home, out of respect.”

“What was broadcast is what happened”

In fact, “What you saw, what was broadcast, is what happened”, assured Thibault.

Did the two men stay together after the dating show? Case to follow, this November 13, 2023 in the evening, on M6, in the company of Karine Le Marchand.


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