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Should a limit be imposed on the remuneration of big bosses? The question comes up in the presidential campaign. The journalist Valéry Lerouge, who follows Marine Le Pen, traveling to Avignon, Thursday April 14, reports the position of the RN candidate on this subject.
“There is no specific measure in Marine Le Pen’s program to regulate bosses’ salaries”indicates Valéry Lerouge, live from Avignon (Vaucluse), where Marine Le Pen is holding a meeting, Thursday, April 14. “Besides, the RN candidate was quite indulgent [mercredi 13 avril] by learning the remuneration of Carlos Tavares. ‘It’s shocking, she says, but less than for others, because he had good results’explains the journalist.
“Nevertheless, Marine Le Pen intends to recover money from these large bosses’ salaries, through two measures that she is proposing: first a tax on financial transactions and then a tax on financial wealth, which would replace the real estate wealth tax created by Emmanuel Macron”, adds the journalist. This would concern “directly the very large salaries of the bosses who are often based on stock options”concludes Valéry Lerouge.