what proposals for immigration according to the parties?


Video length: 2 min

Anticipated legislative elections: what proposals for immigration according to the parties?
What are the different political parties proposing to regulate immigration in France? Overview of the proposals with “Ask for the program”, Monday June 17.
(France 2)

What are the different political parties proposing to regulate immigration in France? Overview of the proposals with “Ask for the program”, Monday June 17.

Immigration: one of the themes that most divides the different parties for these legislative elections. What are their proposals on this matter? The 20 Hours teams review the different programs on Monday June 17. The objective for the National Rally and those close to Eric Ciotti is to restrict it. They are campaigning for a measure that contrasts with current law: the abolition of the right of soil, that is to say French nationality at the age of 18 for children born to foreign parents.

For the Republicans breaking with Éric Ciotti, the abolition of land law is considered too radical, so they prefer to restrict it. The presidential camp intends to take control of the issue of unaccompanied foreign minors. Another point, the residence permit granted under certain conditions, in particular that of speaking French and the regularization of undocumented immigrants in professions in shortage. As for the Immigration law, the New Popular Front no longer wants it.

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