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As Christmas Eve is fast approaching, many French people are getting tested. Others will adapt their meals, making sure to respect barrier gestures to avoid contracting Covid-19.
The French are vigilant as the Christmas holidays approach. Wednesday, December 22, many of them go to pharmacies to be tested, or to buy self-tests that they can do at home. Cyril Slama works at the Pharmabest pharmacy at the Forum des Halles, in Paris, and he fears he will soon have to face a shortage of stocks. “We still have some but next week I don’t know“, he admits.
To avoid transmitting the virus, the French are called upon to respect barrier gestures. This involves, for example, instructions to be observed during the Christmas meal. It is recommended not to be too many at the table, and to respect the distances between each of the guests. It is also necessary to ventilate the room regularly, and avoid kissing each other. Health authorities also recommend that fragile or unvaccinated people wear a mask during New Year’s Eve dinner.
Public Health France
High Authority of Health
Non-exhaustive list.