what penalties for OL if it is found responsible?

The sanctions will fall. According to information from RMC Sport citing the president of the French Football Federation (FFF) Noël le Graët, the disciplinary committee of the Federation should meet on Monday, December 20 to rule on the responsibility of Paris FC and OL following the incidents which punctuated the 32nd-final meeting on Friday. While several voices have been raised, such as that of the president of the Ile-de-France club Pierre Ferracci to point out the responsibility of visiting supporters, the Rhone club, recidivist, is the one that risks the greatest, despite the protests of Jean-Michel Aulas.

In accordance with the decisions announced by the government on Thursday, December 16, the stoppage of the match was decided by a crisis unit not including the presidents of the clubs involved. And the tight timing before the next deadlines (the round of 16 are scheduled for January 2 and 3) does not really leave room for a postponement of the meeting. This means that the fate of the match will probably be decided at the end of the FFF disciplinary committee at the start of the week.

If the responsibility of Olympique Lyonnais is proven, the club risks losing the meeting on the green carpet and leaving this Coupe de France by the back door, in the 32nd final. Such a sanction would set a strong precedent after a cascade of incidents since August, since Lyon is one of the historic French clubs and this trophy represents a real sporting objective for the men of Peter Bosz, who are eight points from the podium in the league ( 13th).

The consequences could not stop at the framework of the Coupe de France. Pointed out by the president of Paris FC Pierre Ferracci, who felt after the match that “he they must be banned from the stadium“, Lyon supporters could also bear the brunt of the Federation’s decisions. OL could thus suffer from a closure of visitor parking lots when traveling in Ligue 1.

On top of all this, Lyon risks a fine. And unfortunately for the club of Jean-Michel Aulas, the recidivism factor is likely to play against him in the eyes of the commission. The resident of Ligue 1, however, announced through its president to have lodged a complaint, in order to show his good will and his desire that light be shed on this affair.

For its part, Paris FC is not completely out of the woods. The security system of the club in the capital, deemed insufficient by Jean-Michel Aulas, should be carefully studied by the committee. Depending on its decision, the PFC risks a closed session, a fine, or both.

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