what path for migrants?


Video length:
2 min


Article written by

franceinfo – R. Schapira, L. Tositti

France Televisions

After crossing part of the continent and the Mediterranean Sea, the migrants are trying to advance onto European soil. Their first stop is sometimes between Genoa and Ventimiglia (Italy), before joining other countries of the European Union.

These men have just spent their lives on A sidewalk of Rome (Italy). Two young Sudanese people, some of them minors, all arrived by boat on the island of Lampedusa. “It’s so dangerous. I can’t believe I’m still alive”, declares one of them. At 24, Papapulis wants to go to Germany, the best country to work, he says. But above all, to be safe. Their objective: to board the first train or the first bus towards the cities of northern Italy to get closer to Germany, but also to France.

They board the train among the tourists

In Genoa (Italy), nearly ten trains lead every day to the border at Ventimiglia. Without police control, they board the train among the tourists. At 17, Messi left Cameroon more than a year and a half ago. He dreads this next step. After an uneventful two-hour journey, they arrived in Ventimiglia. Everyone will try to cross the border as soon as possible.

source site-29