what participation at 12 p.m. in the second round in your department?

For the second round of the legislative elections, at 12 p.m., 18.99% of voters turned out to vote. What about department by department?

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Turnout at 12 p.m. was 18.99% for the second round of the 2022 legislative elections, Sunday June 19, up slightly from the first round. At the same time, the rate was 18.43% in the first round, on June 12.

>> Direct: follow the second round of the 2022 legislative elections

What is the situation at midday in your department? To find out, see our map.

In detail, the departments of south-west France are those where the participation was the highest, led by Lot (29.05%), Corrèze (28.50%), Dordogne (28. 36%) and the Landes (26.34%). The Hautes-Alpes (26.69%) are in fourth position. And it is in the departments of Ile-de-France that participation is the lowest at midday: Hauts-de-Seine (12%), Val-de-Marne (10.90%), Paris (10.81%), Val-d’Oise (10.10%) and Seine-Saint-Denis (8.88%) bring up the rear.

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