What nutrients are good for our body?

Provided by most of our daily foods, nutrients are essential for our overall good health. Indeed, they participate in the development and maintenance of our body, provide energy, maintain the chemical balances of our body or even make it possible to limit the risks of developing many frequent chronic diseases, such as type diabetes. 2 or cardiovascular diseases.

But did you know that they have other benefits? Focus on nutrients, these everyday allies!

Did you know ? Nutrients are mainly produced by the process of digestion

What are the nutrients?

There are several major families of nutrients:


Representing 60% of our overall intake, water is an essential element in our diet as it contributes to our overall health. The body, which is not able to store it and which eliminates it regularly, needs regular contributions to compensate for the losses.

Moreover, water has a role of “carrier” in the body: it is thanks to it that nutrients are transported to our cells and that waste is eliminated.


Macro-nutrients are the basis of our diet because they provide us with all the energy our body needs and meet the majority of our physiological needs. Considered as the “builders” of our body, there are 3 families of macro-nutrients:

  • Proteins (meat, fish, eggs, seafood, etc.)
  • Carbohydrates (fruits, cereals, lactose, sugar, honey, etc.)
  • Lipids (vegetable or fish oils, butter, charcuterie, etc.)

Micronutrients and mesonutrients

Intervening at the functional level, micro-nutrients are just as essential to our body. Cannot be synthesized by the body, they must be provided by a rich and varied diet including among others:

  • Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B12, C, E..)
  • Minerals (magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, etc.)
  • Trace elements (iron, zinc, copper, etc.)
  • Fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6, etc.)
  • Amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, etc.)
  • Dietary fibers (legumes, fruits, seeds, wholemeal bread, etc.)
  • Etc.

What are their main benefits?

Nutrients have many health benefits. They meet different physiological needs, as follows:

The proteins allow the construction and renewal of the vital organs and tissues of the body, particularly the muscles.

Lipids promote cell sealing and are the source of many hormones.

Carbohydrates bring energy to the whole organism. They also prevent muscle loss, episodes of fatigue or a decrease in brain activity (concentration, understanding, motivation, etc.)

vitamins participate in growth (vitamin A), boost immunity (vitamin A, B, C and D), help to fix calcium on the bones (vitamin K) and prevent the oxidation of other chemical substances (vitamin C and E)

The minerals contribute to the construction of the skeleton, to nerve conduction, to muscle contraction or to the regulation of the cardiac system.

Fibers participate in the prevention of many diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The iron makes it possible to create red blood cells and thus transfer oxygen in the body.

Calcium allows you to have strong bones and maintain their density over the long term.

Zinc strengthens the functioning of the immune system and has an antioxidant role.

What is the recommended daily nutritional allowance?

For an adult, ANSES recommends an intake of 10 to 20% protein, 35 to 40% lipids and 40 to 55% carbohydrates.

But the nutritional needs of each individual vary according to their energy expenditure, body size, age, physical activity, external conditions and overall health. If you have any questions or doubts, do not hesitate to consult your doctor or a dietitian.


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