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It was the home stretch for the debates on the vaccine pass in France at the National Assembly, Sunday January 16. A controversial project, amended but finally adopted. An appeal to the Constitutional Council is however in progress. What will the implementation of the vaccination pass really change?
finished on pass health, access to all places open to the public will now pass through the pass vaccine. This new sesame will apply to everyone, from the age of 16 to access bars and restaurants, leisure activities such as cinemas and theaters, but also trade shows, fairs and seminars and interregional transport, planes, TGV and Intercités. To enter hospitals, a negative test will suffice.
Young people aged 12 to 15 are not concerned, and will be able to travel with the pass sanitary. These new rules also come with more controls. In bars, restaurants and cinemas, the identity of customers may be verified in the event of suspicion of fraud. The boss of a brewery refuses to comply with this constraint.If they want to cheat, they cheat, it’s not it’s up to us to do that“, he disapproves. In case of presentation of a false pass purchased, the penalties can amount to 3 years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros. The opposition having seized the Constitutional Council, the text cannot come into force before the end of next week.