what Michel Leeb decided to stop doing to have peace

Michel Leeb was the guest of Eric Dussart and Jade this Saturday, November 27 on RTL. Asked about the many tributes paid to rocker Johnny Hallyday since his disappearance in December 2017, the comedian and actor said: “The tributes are always tiring. I quite agree with Eddy on this, it ‘s is quite morbid “. Michel Leeb thus agrees with Eddy Mitchell, longtime friend of Johnny Hallyday, who did not fail to tackle the singer’s widow, Laeticia, on TF1 last week. “Soon they’ll be putting him with a feather in his ass hanging anywhere … I don’t care,” said Eddy Mitchell, known for his outspokenness and spontaneity. “We do not need all these salads and all these tributes, which are very heavy each time, to think of the missing and continue to love them,” continued Michel Leeb on RTL. A spade directly addressed to Laeticia Hallyday, at the origin of most of the tributes organized since the disappearance of her husband. “Behind all that, we feel that there is an audience interest, it is not very healthy,” continued Michel Leeb.

Also questioned about his career, the actor said he would not replay his famous sketch of accents. “Today, if you were asked again on television to make the famous accents, whether it be the African accent or the Chinese accent, would you do it or not?” Asked Eric Dussart. . To which Michel Leeb replied: “No because it would be very frowned upon and very unwelcome today … If it’s to take a stick, put it on your head, it’s the same. So me, I don’t want to go in that direction at all, that is to say to make myself more aligned with it. I don’t want that “. Michel Leeb added that he did “not want to have letters of death threats” before concluding: “One thing that came back to me not long ago is that ‘I was invited to a newspaper tray at 8 p.m. on December 31, to say Happy New Year in all languages ​​and with all possible accents. That, today, is not possible at all. I see myself badly to be invited by Delahousse and to read in all possible forms ‘happy new year to everyone’ like that, with different accents, it is no longer possible “.


To see also: Tom, the son of Michel Leeb, grilled with a famous French actress: hot shot at the beach!

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