“What message are you sending to victims of discrimination by keeping it within Fifa?”, Sonia Souid challenges Gianni Infantino

The departure of Noël Le Graët hailed by the members of the executive committee of the French Football Federation and his future role at Fifa give “nausea” to Sonia Souid. The professional players’ agent accuses the former president of the FFF of harassment.

Particularly strong words. After having delivered chilling testimonies, with an uncovered face, in the press, Sonia Souid returned, for the first time in detail, this Thursday, March 2, 2023 on franceinfo to her accusations of harassment targeting Noël Le Graët, resigning former president of the French Football Federation.

>> “He never touched me, but the harassment lasted several years”, assures Sonia Souid, who plans to file a complaint

For the first time, Sonia Souid thus recounted in detail a dinner that occurred with Noël Le Graët when she was 29, thus describing “not normal gestures during a professional meeting”. If the years have passed, the trauma still seems very present in the sports agent who “hope never to have to meet a Noël Le Graët again” during his career.

Sonia Souid says she is particularly “shocked” after the announcement of the resignation of Noël Le Graët from the presidency of the FFF. In particular, she points the finger “the communication strategy adopted, the elements of language used” by Noël Le Graët, but also by the members of the Executive Committee of the Federation who “ovationed” the former leader. The agent plans to file a complaint against the former president of the French Football Federation.

She felt like “the exit of M. Le Graët [était] orchestrated as if it were a promotion”. “I was nauseous”, it was “both disconcerting and shocking”, she says. She also judges “shocking” the results of Noël Le Graët drawn up by the members of the Comex, during their various media outings: “They only talked about the good things he did during his time at the FFF, but there was no word for the victims”she complains.

A role at Fifa that does not pass

Sonia Souid was also outraged by Noël Le Graët’s new position, announced just hours after his resignation. The 81-year-old man has indeed rebounded at the head of the Paris office of the International Football Federation. She considers that as “the supreme body of football”FIFA “should adopt the policy of zero tolerance”. “What could possibly justify the fact that Mr. Le Graët is no longer, according to the conclusions of the audit [interne diligenté par le ministère des Sports]the necessary legitimacy to represent and administer French football, taking into account in particular its behavior towards women, but that on the other hand, it is legitimate to represent and administer international football? takes offense Sonia Souid.

>> What is the Fifa office in Paris for, what will Noël Le Graët be in charge of?

She speaks directly to the boss of the international body, Gianni Infantino: “What message are you sending to the victims of racism, homophobia, sexism and all forms of discrimination throughout the world in football by keeping Mr. Le Graët within Fifa, after all that has happened? ?”launches Sonia Souid.

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