what measures to limit the transmission of the virus?



Article written by

A.Jolly, K. Lempereur, S. Guibout, B. de Saint-Jore – France 2

France Televisions

What more can be done to slow down this new wave? The first weapon is the vaccine and the famous booster dose. Nine million eligible people received their third dose, while many older people remain unvaccinated.

Each time an epidemic resumes, the same question comes up: how to avoid serious forms? Among the options on the table, relaunching teleworking, a solution that has gradually been neglected. One in ten people work in a company that requires at least one day of teleworking per week, compared to two in ten in August. If the the best weapon to limit transmission remains the vaccine, its effectiveness tends to decline after six months. Should the booster dose be generalized? 200,000 people have so far received a third dose on November 16, a record. Good news, but we need to broaden audiences to “regain a very good level of protection against infections and against the transmission of the virus”, estimates the Pr Anne-Claude Crémieux, infectious disease specialist at Saint-Louis hospital.

Half a million unvaccinated seniors

But doctors still face reluctance. 500,000 people over the age of 80 have not received any dose of the vaccine. THEGeneral practitioners are trying to convince the refractory. “We try to take them by the feelings, we remind them that the virus can be extremely severe for them”, explains Dr Jean-Paul Hamon, Honorary President of the Federation of Doctors of France. The efforts pay off as appointments for first doses have increased by 20% in a week.

Fall of teleworking – DARES

Number of reminders administered Tuesday, November 16

Number of people over 80 years unvaccinated – Figure communicated during a press point by the Directorate General of Health, November 16

Number of appointments taken for a first injection – Doctolib

Non-exhaustive list

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