What made us feel good this week

Our columnists look back on news that has delighted them in recent days.

Saving corals from carnage


Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI) researcher Louis Hadjioannou (right) observes the floating coral nursery in the Mediterranean Sea off the island of Cyprus last June.

I learned about the threat to corals about ten years ago from reading the book The 6e Extinction: How Man Destroys Life by Elizabeth Kolbert. Ocean acidification is decimating them at such a rate that they could disappear within this century, she explained. Fortunately, some are fighting to save them from the carnage. For example, a floating nursery was reported this week in the Mediterranean, off the island of Cyprus, “aimed at restoring the population affected by global warming and overtourism.” If this pilot project is deemed successful, “the goal is to try to replicate these coral nurseries in other parts of the Mediterranean.”

Alexandre Sirois, The Press

Read the article “Cyprus: the first floating coral nursery soon to be installed in the Mediterranean”

Music of aunts

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