What kind of groupie are you?

Michel Berger sang it: “In front of the hotel behind the scenes/She dreams of the artist’s life/The pianist’s groupie…” The life of a groupie is not necessarily rosy, but whether it illuminates our adolescence or accompanies our adult life, it is often intense. You can of course also be a fan of an artist within reasonable limits, follow his news, listen to his songs, enjoy listening to him and want to meet him, without making it the heart of his life.

And you, what kind of groupie are you? Since when ? Have you ever been able to meet your idol?

Bintily Diallo receives Emilie Mazoyerwho from the start of the school year will host a magazine on music newsdecibels, every day from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., on France Bleu. A musical host for 20 years, she tells us behind the scenes of her job, the encounters with the stars who have marked her and her own way of being a fan.

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