Video length: 11 min
War in Gaza: “What is tragic is the incapacity of the West to say what should be said in the name of international law”, deplores the president of iReMMO
War in Gaza: “What is tragic is the incapacity of the West to say what should be said in the name of international law”, deplores the president of iReMMO
An Israeli strike on a Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah left nearly 50 dead and hundreds injured on Sunday May 26. Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, political scientist and president of the Institute for Mediterranean Middle East Research and Studies (iReMMO) and Beligh Nabli, university professor of public law, are the guests of franceinfo’s 19/20 info.
The international community was outraged after the Israeli strike on a Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, which left at least 45 dead. However, nothing seems to slow down the Israeli government. “There has been a lot of what we have seen since October 7”, says Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, political scientist and president of the Institute for Mediterranean Middle East Research and Studies (iReMMO). “The whole offensive is tragic. And also what is tragic is the inability of Westerners to say what should be said in the name of international law“, he added.
“I think this would not be possible if we considered Palestinians as humans”, says Beligh Nabli, university professor of public law. “Formally, legally, this is what we call a war crime, insofar as it is a missile that hit civilians”, he adds. According to him, even if two Hamas targets were targeted, this “cannot justify such an assessment.”