What is Toog coming to Dordogne?

Toog knows where we can go out (and for less)

Test an activity, make acquaintances and this at a lower cost. It is the issue of Toog.
Sports activities, but not only: “we also have partnerships with soap makers or basket makers who offer workshops”

How does it work ?

Toog’s partners, who are leisure providers, offer slots that appear on the site with a discount.
On the one hand, professionals benefit from a 100% free booking tool and gain visibility.
On the other hand, users find ideas for activities to do quickly near their homes, while benefiting from promotions.

A kind of last minute leisure

In the trend, many tell us: “We are much less organized now, we like to be surprised, choose an activity at the last minute”.
In addition, the slots offered are limited in number of participants. But there are still other people who will come and do the activity with you. You become, and they become “toogers”. Understand that you will (in addition) make acquaintances.

An idea born in the Dordogne

Benjamin Gueroui and his team of developers and salespeople launched this new booking platform in Périgueux and Bergerac while waiting to find it in other regions.
Created in 2021, the start-up is based in the Coulounieix-Chamiers business incubator.
Accompanied by several business angels, the young company first wants to develop its technical platform and marketing before taking an invisible commission on future collaborations.

source site-36