what is this unavowable secret that he has hidden for so long?

Aged 56, Dany Brillant can be proud of already having more than 30 years of career in the middle of the song. The artist has many hits, including “There are only girls who interest me”, “Suzette”, “When I see your eyes” or even “Come to Saint-Germain”. But if his career as a singer is now obvious, Daniel Cohen, his real name, could very well have headed for a completely different destiny, in particular because of the will of his parents.

Guest of “Vivement Dimanche” this Sunday, January 16, Dany Brillant told Michel Drucker that they hoped to see him embrace a career as a doctor. “They saw me as a doctor… JSo I did a year of medicine. I had to choose between a doctor or a lawyer like many Sephardic families, but I did neither…”, he related. But to follow his own voice, this big fan of Charles Aznavour was forced to lie to his parents for years. “I didn’t want to tell them. First they didn’t know I was singing! I hid it for years… I was doing it in my corner. I started medicine and I told them for years that I continued to do medicine even if I did not go there”, he said.

It will have been necessary to wait for a passage of the young Dany Brillant on television so that he decides to reveal the whole truth to his mother. “My mother saw me for the first time on TV! I told him to look. It was a Pascal Sevran show, it was in 1991. I was singing Suzette and there she saw that good… I was lucky because success came very quickly!”, he remembered mischievously.

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