what is this amazing symptom that affects people infected with the Omicron variant?

While the Delta variant continues to send people to the hospital, Omicron is very virulent and explodes the number of contaminations. Indeed, according to scientists, in less than a month, 1 in 2 Europeans will be affected by the latter. And if specialists and politicians agree that it is less dangerous, it has symptoms that are surprising.

A disgusting smell

In addition to the classic flu-like states, fever and severe fatigue, we saw a few days ago that the Johns Hopkins Medicine hospital had discovered that 20% of patients infected with Omicron suffered from diarrhea. And that’s not all…

According to the site of Fifth Sense, a British association of patients affected by disorders of smell and taste, the latest variant of Covid-19 does much more than cause anosmia (disorder or loss of smell) and ageusia (trouble or loss of taste). Patients also have parosmia.

Not hungry any more

The phenomenon causes distortions in the smell and taste of ingested food. Most often, in children and adolescents, they would be comparable to the sickening smells of garbage cans, excrement or even sewers, and would lead to a loss of appetite.

Fortunately, these new symptoms are mostly short-lived, and American scientists from the Center for Disease Control also point out that many symptoms have not yet been verified. Beware of hypochondriacs.

>> See also: Omicron variant: A new very annoying symptom detected…


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