what is the volume of nuclear waste?



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How much is nuclear waste? If the buried fuel constitutes only a tiny part of the waste, others are produced in the long term.

The pro-nuclears ensure that radioactive waste takes up little space. But what place do they really take? In Normandy, the Orano company deals with the uranium that comes from nuclear reactors. There, the fuel is placed in pools to cool. The radioactivity is very high, but it is contained thanks to the water. Only the most hazardous part of the fuel is considered waste by society, which represents 4% of the waste volume. The remaining 96% can be reused.

The ultimate waste is then packaged in glass before being stored in a hangar filled with wells, which represent only a small volume of waste. In addition to the fuel, the waste from the metal structure is buried in France. These also require storage in containers. Finally, there is the technological waste of machines, which is greater.

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