what is the subsidized rate loan?


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – PL. Monnier, A. Girault Carlier, JJ. Buty, Mr. Le Rue

France Televisions

Faced with the housing crisis, Bruno Le Maire spoke, Wednesday September 27, of the creation of a subsidized loan, at rates lower than the standard. Explanations.

In terms of real estate, the list of subsidized loans will continue to grow. Bercy wants to dust off the subsidized rate loan. Near Paris, a 29-year-old first-time buyer will be able to benefit from it. A handful of banks already offer it. “We arrive at an average rate of 3.89, where without it we would have been at 4.19“, specifies Alexandra Pereira, real estate broker. The bank sets the condition of purchasing an energy-efficient property.

Many questions

With the subsidized loan, the monthly payments fall to 609 euros per month, compared to 632 euros with the classic loan. The government would like to generalize the system. The principle ? If interest rates are 4% today, borrowers would pay less, 2%, for example. The difference would be financed by the State or the banks. First-time buyers could be targeted, but nothing has been decided. We also do not know how much households will be able to borrow. The system could see the light of day by 2025, without certainty there either.

Among our sources:

Le Parisien (paid article)


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