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Some candidates for the presidential election denounce the absence of debates. This is particularly the case of Philippe Poutou and Jean Lassalle. Teams from France Télévisions went to meet them.
When some buy campaign buses bearing their image, Jean Lassalle, candidate (Let’s resist!) in the presidential election, arrives in Paris in a motorhome. To make people talk about him, he suggested that he could abandon the presidential race. “I gave a headbutt to Zidane to say to those who are interested (…) in politics: ‘Wake up ! The real politics is not what you are shown'”he explains.
Philippe Poutou, candidate (Postcode) in the presidential election, believes for its part that “small candidates are not welcome”and evokes the “pleasure to hustle a little”. “Somewhere, we tell ourselves that we are not that small“, he adds. His challenge? Expand beyond its activist base. “We try to be heard. We try to show that what we say is no less intelligent than what Macron says, or what Pécresse says”details the candidate, credited to 1% voting intentions.