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The office of the National Assembly met Friday, November 4 after the racist remarks of Grégoire de Fournas in the hemicycle. The journalist Thierry Curtet, live from the Bourbon palace for the 12/13 of France 3, takes stock of the sanctions incurred by the elected official.
What does the deputy of the National Rally Grégoire de Fournas risk for these racist remarks in the National Assembly? The Bureau of the National Assembly met on Friday 4 November. The party of La France insoumise calls for an exemplary sanction, “which can be at most a deduction from salary, a suspension of the deputy’s allowances for two months, a ban on coming to the Assembly for fifteen days”Explain the journalist Thierry Curtet, live from the Palais Bourbon for the 12/13 of France 3.
In contrast, “his election depends on the voters, the Assembly cannot exclude him, despite calls for his resignation”, says the journalist. During the exceptional meeting of the office of the National Assembly, the deputies RN Marine Le Pen and Sébastien Chenu were present. “They are ex-officio members of this office”adds Thierry Curtet, who continues: “There is no doubt that we will talk about semantics: what words were used, what meaning should be given to them. The deputy RN Grégoire de Fournas has already had problematic tweets. Beyond a possible sanction, there will be above all the symbol, because this affair undermines the strategy of demonization, and notabilisation of the 89 RN deputies by Marine Le Pen.