What is the point of having a “very good” mention in the patent or the baccalaureate?

Whether it is “fairly well”, “well” or “very well”, the mention in the exams is above all honorary. But it can also pay off big. Beyond the note slipped by proud grandparents like Artaban, the State, the municipalities and the banks can also be generous.

In 25 years, the proportion of “very good” mentions at the baccalaureate has been multiplied by 12. Obtained from an average of 16/20 in the test, it has something to impress. But what does it really bring beyond personal satisfaction? Enough to show his seriousness in his academic record with schools or recruiters, no doubt. But the precious appreciation can – above all – bring in a nice sum. Thus, if you are in the right region, the right city and you have a scholarship, it can bring several hundred euros to good students.

>> Find all the results of the 2023 exams on franceinfo

Mention “very good” for the patent, an additional merit scholarship

Scholarship-winning college students who have obtained a “good” or “very good” mention in the 2023 national patent diploma can benefit from a merit scholarship. Complementary to the high school scholarship, it has existed for more than 15 years and is paid up to the certificate of professional aptitude (CAP) or the baccalaureate if the student undertakes in writing to continue “diligently” until there. Its amount varies from 402 to 1,002 euros, depending on resources. No need to ask for it, it is assigned automatically if the conditions are met. But be careful: if the academic seriousness is not there, you lose it.

Some communities can also be generous, such as the Alpes-Maritimes, which offers a digital pass worth 160 euros allowing free or preferential access to a range of cultural, sporting or leisure activities. The city of Mougins adds a voucher of 20 euros.

Regions, departments, municipalities…

The famous merit scholarship also exists via the Crous. It amounts to 900 euros and is awarded for three years, but you lose it if you repeat. Attention, a change of orientation can be considered as a repetition. To receive it, you must of course continue your studies and be a scholarship holder on social criteria.

Some regions are also particularly generous with the mentions “very good”. Ile-de-France, for example, pays 1,000 euros to its scholarship residents who enroll in an establishment in the Ile-de-France. No steps to take. The Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region has also set up a regional “merit” scholarship, whether you have a scholarship or not: 400 euros in one go for the year of the baccalaureate for non-scholarship holders; 400 euros for three years, which is added to the national merit aid, for scholarship holders. But you have to request it on their website.

>> INFOGRAPHICS. Bac 2023: how much has the rate of mentions increased over 25 years (and how to explain it)?

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, for its part, offers a grant of 500 euros paid at once to all graduates. The request must be completed on its website before October 31. Corsica and Guyana have also opted for a bonus of 500 euros. On the other hand, the bonus offered until last year by the Pays de la Loire region has been abolished.

At the departmental level, you can also be rewarded for your good results, either via the departmental council, as in Indre, where holders of the “very good” mention receive 200 euros, or via the department itself. In the Yvelines, baccalaureate holders with low incomes who want to continue their studies can receive 500 euros. In the Alpes-Maritimes, the gift is 200 euros.

When the banks put their hands in their pockets

Some town halls are also particularly generous. In Cannes, candidates for the Jacqueline de Romilly educational excellence prize can claim a scholarship of 500 to 3,000 euros depending on the sector of excellence in which they will pursue. In the Paris region, in Montrouge (Hauts-de-Seine), young people who have received the mention “good” or “very good” are respectively rewarded with a bonus of 400 and 800 euros. Another generous city, Villemomble, in Seine-Saint-Denis, from 100 to 400 euros according to appreciation. The easiest way is to inquire directly with your region, department or city.

Finally, the banks also put their hands in their pockets to reward deserving graduates who already have an account with them or who open one. For example, the CIC offers 160 euros to high school graduates with “very good” mentions, 80 euros with “good” mentions, and 40 euros with “fairly good” mentions. Axa Banque also offers 160 euros for a “very good” mention, 120 euros for a “good” mention, 90 euros for a “fairly good” mention, and even rewards 80 euros for a baccalaureate without mention, like the Company General and the BNP. Crédit Agricole offers, meanwhile, between 30 and 250 euros depending on the territory. For example in Lorraine, young people with a very good honors can claim the maximum amount.

Note, finally, that some business and engineering schools offer a reduction in registration fees, from 20 to 50% for the first year.

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