The Minister of Justice proposed, as part of the government’s response to last summer’s riots, to detain young people who have already caused problems for the night in a judicial youth protection center.
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The Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti spoke on Thursday October 26 of “night placement” for the young rioters during the presentation at La Sorbonne, before local elected officials, of the measures “regaliennes” of the government in response to the urban riots in June.
What does this “night placement” consist of?
Four months after the riots which engulfed France following the death of young Nahel in Nanterre during a police check, the Minister of Justice, alongside Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne and Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, justified this sort of curfew imposed by an observation. “Most of these kids, these teenagers, rioters, they sleep during the day and wake up at night. And that’s when the riots” take place, explained the Minister of Justice.
“We catch the kid and we impose on him, in a release, something very quick: to be from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. under the jurisdiction of the law to isolate him, so that he doesn’t do it again.”
Éric Dupond-Moretti, Minister of Justiceat franceinfo
Which young people are affected?
Éric Dupont-Moretti notes that, when curfews are implemented during riots, they are more or less respected. The solution imagined by the minister is regulated: only minors on parole, under judicial supervision, or with suspended sentences are concerned. It will be up to the judge to make the decision on this night placement, in the presence of the parents and a lawyer. Once the decision has been made, the police will take these minors to a judicial youth protection center, in the presence of educators.
Is this legally possible?
Failure to comply with the measure may result in placement in a closed educational center. According to the minister’s entourage, this night placement is a solution for single-parent families where, often, the mother works at night and cannot supervise her teenager. To implement this measure, the government must amend the law and have it passed by Parliament.