what is the feeling in the independent territories?



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While the population is divided between pros and anti-Russian regimes, other countries such as Kazakhstan and Belarus, allies of the Kremlin, have not yet endorsed Vladimir Putin’s decision.

To try to better understand the current situation in Ukraine, the 23h of franceinfo called on three experts. Tatiana Kastoueva-Jean, specialist in Russian foreign policy and Ukraine, Nicolas Tenzer, specialist in Russia and Ukraine, as well as Patrick Martin-Genier, specialist in European issues. So is it joy or dismay in the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republics? “It’s very difficult to know. First of all, anyone who would be in opposition to the established Russian regime cannot come forward, because it is a regime of control and terror. Conversely , another part of the population has been very indoctrinated by the propaganda. Finally, there are those who have already left”explains Nicolas Tenzer.

But are these territories ultimately Ukrainian, independent or annexed by Russia? “That’s all the confusion of this situation. They have been recognized by Russia and I believe there are a few countries like Syria that have followed in this recognition. The big question is who else will recognize these republics. Surely the same ones that have already recognized the annexation of Crimea. It is important to remember that Russia’s allies such as Kazakhstan and Belarus have not recognized these annexations. They wonder if they do not might not be next on the list”believes Tatiana Kastoueva-Jean.


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