What is the cost of immigration for France?



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The question of the cost ofimmigration comes up regularly in debates, especially during an election period. The OECD has just published a report on this subject.

In a report published by Organization of economic cooperation and development (OECD), the cost ofimmigration is zero in the states studied. What about in France? The net budgetary contribution of persons born abroad is 1.02%. “This means, in concrete terms, that the taxes and contributions that are paid by immigrants are a little more important than what France spends on their social protection, their health and their education”, explains franceinfo journalist Élodie Largenton, on the 11 p.m. plateau, Thursday September 28.

A result valid for the period from 2006 to 2018. “Contrary to popular belief, immigrants contribute more in social benefits and taxes than they receive in individual benefits”, confirms Jean-Christophe Dumont, head of the division of OECD international migration. Thus, they contribute to the financing of pure public expenditure.


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