what is the calendar of the “100 days of appeasement” wanted by Emmanuel Macron?

The projects put forward by the Head of State, Monday evening in his speech, aim to allow the executive to open up new perspectives and to emerge from the crisis in which it has been mired for several months.

The government may see it more clearly, on the evening of Monday, April 17. To turn the page on the highly contested pension reform, Emmanuel Macron tried, during a speech at the Elysée, to set a new course for his executive, with the help of “three priority projects” : work, justice and “progress to live better”.

>> Work, the fight against crime, health… What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech

In his speech, the Head of State mentioned the work awaiting the government and the majority during “100 days of appeasement and action”. Here are the details of this busy spring to relaunch the five-year term.

Tuesday 18 April: a meeting with certain social partners

The President formally invited the “employer organizations and trade unions, for those who are ready” at the Elysée, Tuesday April 18, in order to open “a series of negotiations on essential subjects” about work. The aim is to achieve a “new work life pact” who will be “constructed in the coming weeks through social dialogue”.

However, this meeting has lead in the wing, because the inter-union has already refused to meet Emmanuel Macron, and reiterated their dismissal, Monday evening. “We don’t answer when we are whistled”, replied Laurent Berger, on BFMTV, after the presidential address. The inter-union is already focusing on the great mobilization it is preparing for May 1st.

From April 24: the detailed “government roadmap”

After the intervention of Emmanuel Macron, the first since the interview given on March 23 to France 2 and TF1, Elisabeth Borne will be responsible for launching the “three priority projects” listed Monday night. They “constitute the government’s roadmap that the Prime Minister will detail next week”announced the Head of State.

This therefore prefigures announcements in several areas, as confirmed by Elisabeth Borne on Monday evening. “I will present my government’s roadmap next week”she tweeted, as a second policy statement.

During his interview at the end of March, Emmanuel Macron had notably invited her to “continue to expand this majority as much as possible, with the women and men (…) who, on the right and on the left, are ready on the priorities set to move forward with it”.

Early May: announcements on the fight against delinquency

For the second project, relating to justice, the republican order and the reform of institutions, a date has emerged. “From the beginning of May”the executive will make “strong announcements” For “fight against all forms of delinquency and all fraud”.

Will the Head of State add elements on migration policy? He had sketched, at the end of October on France 2, a link between delinquency and immigration. “When we look at crime in Paris, where we have a high concentration of this illegal immigration, yes crime is very present. What should we do? We must integrate those who want it, and harden and accelerate our rules for returning offenders”he pointed out.

In May: building “coalitions and new alliances”

With whom to govern during the next four years of the quinquennium? This is the complex equation that Emmanuel Macron, Elisabeth Borne and their relative majority must solve. The President of the Republic said “to solicit all the forces of action and good will”to know “those of elected officials, political forces, trade unions, of all components of the nation”.

To achieve this, the tenant of the Elysée “intends to associate them better, by relaunching new coalitions and alliances as of May, on the solid foundations of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), as close as possible to the territories.”

Between now and summer: the unveiling of ecological planning

This is just a confirmation. Mantra of candidate Macron during the last presidential election during the inter-rounds, ecological planning “will be unveiled by summer”. The goal is to build a “new productive and ecological model, in agriculture, construction, circular economy, transport, energy and technologies”.

For a year now, the government has not neglected the subject. At the end of October, Elisabeth Borne presented the government’s method of ecological planning, via the “France green nation” project, broken down into 22 projects aimed at accelerating the ecological transition. A general secretariat for ecological planning has even been set up.

July 14: the results of the 100 days of the new method

Priority projects, a few announcements… and a symbolic date. “Next July 14 should allow us to take stock. We have 100 days of peace, unity, ambition and action in the service of France ahead of us”, he insisted, in reference to the first hundred days of a five-year term, supposed to facilitate the adoption of complex and unpopular reforms. Some will note that between now and National Day, there are not quite 100 days, but only 88. Above all, the Head of State was re-elected a year ago. In short, for the executive, time is already running out.

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