What is the ApoE4 gene that predisposes Chris Hemsworth to developing Alzheimer’s disease?

The interpreter of Thor in the Marvel universe, actor Chris Hemsworth, is taking a break from his career, he announced after learning that he carried a gene predisposing him to Alzheimer’s disease . But what do we really know about the ApoE4 gene? We talk to an expert.

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Let’s start at the beginning: what exactly is Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that is not part of the normal aging of a person, explains Nouha Ben Gaied, director of research and development at the Quebec Federation of Alzheimer Societies (FQSA).

The disease, which generally appears after the age of 65, affects the memory, language and behavior of the person who suffers from it.

Photo QMI Agency, Thierry Laforce

Nouha Ben Gaied, from the Quebec Federation of Alzheimer Societies.

We do not die of Alzheimer’s, but of the complications associated with it, such as loss of autonomy. People with the sporadic form of the disease live an average of 12 to 14 years after their diagnosis.

In Quebec, 163,000 people have Alzheimer’s. This number could cross the 360,000 mark by 2030, due in particular to the aging of the population and the fact that there is no medicine to stop the disease.

What is the ApoE4 gene?

Chris Hemsworth learned to carry both copies of the ApoE4 gene, one of the forms of apolipoprotein E (ApoE), after undergoing a genetic test as part of the show he hosts for the channel National Geographic, Limitless.

“ApoE, everyone has it. However, this gene is found in three different forms, ApoE2, ApoE2 and ApoE4”, explains the director of research and development at the FQSA.

When a person has both copies of ApoE4 – the one on the mother’s side and the one on the father’s – they are three to ten times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease after age 65.

It should be noted that ApoE4 is not associated with the early form of Alzheimer’s disease, which is hereditary and manifests itself in the 40s or early 50s. In Quebec, the best known case of early Alzheimer’s is that of Sandra Demontigny, aged 39 at the time of diagnosis.

Will Chris Hemsworth necessarily develop the disease?

The test that the actor took can only detect the presence of the ApoE4 gene. It does not give any additional information certifying that the actor will indeed develop the disease, or even the age at which it would manifest, explains Nouha Ben Gaied.

Moreover, even if Chris Hemsworth mentioned that his grandfather suffered from Alzheimer’s, that does not mean that he will also develop the disease, adds the expert. She recalls that the ApoE4 gene is associated with the sporadic form, and not with the hereditary one.

Are there ways to reduce the risk of developing the disease?

Physical activity, such as walking, running or yoga, helps increase the heart rate and stimulates the brain, which reduces the risk of one day suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

This is good news for Chris Hemsworth, who is obviously in good physical shape.


Certain foods or diets also have beneficial effects on cognition and can therefore help reduce the risk of developing the disease. This is the case of the Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, seeds and olive oil.

Other factors may also play a role in the onset of the disease, such as the regulation of diabetes or hypertension, alcohol consumption, smoking, and episodes of depression or anxiety.


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