What is Nicolas Maduro seeking by asking all Venezuelan exiles to return to the country?

In Venezuela, a presidential election is being prepared. The vote is scheduled for July 28, 2024. Everything has been put in place by the regime so that its leader, Nicolas Maduro, is re-elected. In front of him, nine candidates “authorized” to present themselves. The regime has to prevent Venezuelans in exile from voting… but paradoxically… Nicolas Maduro is today inviting them to return to the country.



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Nicolas Maduro greets his supporters as he arrives at the headquarters of the Electoral Council to formalize his candidacy, in Caracas on March 25, 2024. (RONALD PENA / AFP)

Nicolas Maduro launched an appeal as astonishing as it was solemn to all Venezuelans “wherever they are”. He asks them to return so that Venezuela can once again become the “wonder” of Latin America. Maduro even announced the creation of a state secretariat dedicated to Venezuelan migrants, even though more than 7 million of them have left the country over the past 5 years, or almost a quarter of the initial population.

A paradoxical desire

The current Venezuelan president is therefore recalling Venezuelans from abroad even though his government has done everything to prevent them from voting. Less than 1% of these exiles will be able to vote on July 28, 2024 and millions of others will not be able to exercise their right to vote, either because Venezuela has closed its consulates and embassies in around fifty countries that do not do not recognize the legitimacy of Maduro, either because the regime’s diplomats refuse to register their nationals on the lists under the pretext that they are “temporary residents”.

However, Nicolas Maduro goes very far in his desire for reconciliation. Recently, in front of an assembly of evangelical pastors, he even spoke directly to God.

We beg your forgiveness for the sin of our nation. As the authority of the homeland, I ask your forgiveness on behalf of my government and my people for all these sins of pride, greed and lust.

Nicolas Maduro in bad shape

In this electoral campaign, he is in difficulty even against puppet candidates, even having emptied the country of his opponents. 82% of voters are now demanding a change at the head of the country.

It appears that Nicolas Maduro is trying to change course, but this would be a radical change. His country is still very rich in minerals, rare earth, and oil. Venezuela is no longer isolated and can count on strong allies like Russia and China, but its country is at a standstill, it lacks manpower and skills. It is possible that Nicolas Maduro sincerely hopes, but in a totally illusory way, a great reconciliation with these millions of exiles whom he himself made flee.

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