what is Macron’s plan for civic “rearmament”?


Video length: 2 min

Education: what is Macron’s plan for civic “rearmament”?

Education: what is Macron’s plan for civic “rearmament”? – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – A.Peyrout, J.Assouly, F.Daireaux, S.Sahki, O.Sauvayre

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron’s press conference on Tuesday January 16 was marked by the mention of a civic “rearmament”, which should mainly take place through schools. What is this plan that should mark the five-year term? Explanations.

A French flag, and a president behind a desk: it was in this setting that Emmanuel Macron gave his press conference on Tuesday January 16. He placed it under the sign of authority: order and “border control”, but also the fight against “drugs” and “incivility”. The Head of State made a series of announcements on conservative symbols, from experimenting with uniforms at school to learning the Marseillaise in primary schools, or even the regulation of screens for children. Objective ? Serving the concept of “civic rearmament”.

Right turn

“Each generation of French people must learn what the Republic means,” the president punctuated. A right turn assumed for the left. But “order and good citizenship are only things that ring hollow, which are very reactionary,” believes Éric Coquerel, LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis.

As for the slogan taken up by Emmanuel Macron, “so that France remains France”, it is “the slogan of Éric Ciotti, for example”, recalls Olivier Marleix, president of the LR group in the National Assembly, before ask: “Where is the cape?” Ministers will now have to embody the president’s line.

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