What is hypersensitivity?

You often find yourself emotionally overwhelmed, caught up in thoughts and feelings that you can’t easily channel. Noise bothers you, strong smells and bright light too. You may be hypersensitive, i.e. more sensitive than average to both stimuli and emotions that pass through you. Or one of your relatives is.

According to research, it seems that 10 to 35% of the population is “highly sensitive” according to the criteria of the concept established by the American psychologist Elaine Aron in 1996.

Bintily Diallo receives today Fabrice Midalauthor of leave you alone (Flammarion/Versilio), and Am I hypersensitive? (Flammarion/Versilio), the result of an in-depth survey of numerous specialists. He just published The 5 doors (Flammarion/Versilio) which prolongs this work.

Based on his personal experience, Fabrice Midal introduces us to hypersensitivity and its features. He explains to us how it is a force, and even a Don that it is a question of cultivating for a more serene and richer life.

The 6 characteristics of hypersensitivity

Hypersensitivity manifests itself at the level of:

– of the feelings, which are much more marked; of the emotions which are very intense, whether positive or negative; social, we sometimes feel out of step with others; of the’empathy, we feel very strongly the moods of those around us; of the creativity, favored by a particularly developed intuition; of the thoughtswhich are willingly disordered, “a mind in popcorn” tells us Fabrice Midal.

If hypersensitivity is today validated by many neuroscience research, it remained unrecognized for a long time and could have been a source of great suffering. It is therefore very important to be able to identify it, in order to accept what affects us – or affects our hypersensitive children. It is a characteristic and not a disease, which must be accepted without judgment but on the contrary by making it a strength.

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