“What is happening ?” Cyril Hanouna cut live on “TPMP” by a member of the public, his surprising proposal!

When he says he lets everyone speak, Cyril Hanouna respects his rule to the end. And if some doubted it, it was necessary to attend the daily newspaper of this Thursday, December 1st to realize it. A daily TPMP in which viewers were able to learn that Matthieu Delormeau was not against spending a night with Delphine Wespiser rather than with Raymond.

Indeed, while he was having fun playing the role of a guest minister in Facing Baba, the columnist was “questioned” by Géraldine Maillet who asked him who, between Raymond and the ex-Miss France, he would choose for one night. If the host of TPMP People never hid his preference for men, yet he would choose the one with whom he often argued. “The truth? Well I’m banging Delphine but then ten times! And in every way!”he blurted playfully when Cyril Hanouna asked him to tell the truth because he dragged out the answer a little too long.

Cyril Hanouna cut by a member of the public, he gives him a chance

Enough to make the chroniclers hilarious. Columnists who laughed a little less when a member of the public cut the show to speak. “Ah good evening. So we can’t hear you my darling because there is no microphone”first told him Cyril Hanouna very calmly, when he did not yet know what it was about. “Ah he’s rapping, leave it alone! We don’t blame you, what’s going on?”he continued when members of the security wanted to stop him.

Moment chosen by the member of the public to introduce themselves: “My name is Lorka, I’m a rapper. I make videos and I come everywhere”. “Well go do your thing”, the host offered him before he complied. At the end of his performance, the artist dropped a sentence that did not fall on deaf ears: “Suffering can be effective, I have my vision of the thing so please make me my place”. Baba needed nothing less to understand his project. “Actually, as far as I know, would you like to be on the team?”he asked him before the rapper replied: “Eventually, it would be something that would make me love it. I think I have the level, and above all, not very far from Matthieu”. It seems that he did well to seize his chance because the host let him know: “You know what, we’re going to test you. Tonight, I won’t hide from you that it’s complicated. Next week? You’ll do one with us”.

See also: “A desire to denigrate”: TF1 reframes Cyril Hanouna and demands a denial from the host following his comments on “Le Late with Alain Chabat”


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