what is happening at the Lebanese border?


The franceinfo Talk looks at the situation in the Middle East, after Benjamin Netanyahu declared that he was “ready” for a “very intense” operation on the Lebanese border. Ludo Pauchant receives former officer Guillaume Ancel, Caroline Brandao, teacher of international humanitarian law and David-Rigoulet Roze, researcher at IFAS.

Wednesday June 5, Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was “ready for a very intense operation” on the northern border with Lebanon. In this region, exchanges of fire between the Lebanese Hezbollah movement and the Israeli army are daily. The Israeli Prime Minister expressed his desire to “restore security”, “either way”.

According to an AFP count, at least 455 people died on the Lebanese border, the majority combatants and around 90 civilians. On the Israeli side, there were 14 soldiers and 11 civilians killed in these clashes, according to Israeli authorities.

Thursday June 6, the Israeli army claimed responsibility for airstrike on UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) school in the Gaza Strip. This strike left at least 37 dead, according to the Deir el-Balah hospital. According to Israel, this establishment housed a “base” of the Islamist movement.

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