“What is certain is that we need solutions,” says the president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors



Video length: 16 min

Immigration law: “What is certain is that we need solutions,” says the president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors

Immigration law: “What is certain is that we need solutions”, says the president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors – (Franceinfo)

The immigration bill is presented Monday, December 11 to the National Assembly. Pascal Brice, president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors, and Gérard Ré, CGT confederal secretary in charge of Migrants activity, are the guests of 12/13 info to return to this text which is causing controversy.

According to polls, immigration and security are among the top concerns of the French. 67% of them think that the immigration bill will allow better control, according to an Odoxa survey. “What is certain is that we need solutions (…) Foreign people immersed in precariousness needs it, associations need it, businesses that come also hire”, says Pascal Brice, president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors. According to him, it is necessary “to follow through on what has been started”.

The regularization of undocumented workers in question

Article 3 on the regularization of undocumented workers in professions in shortage crystallizes the anger. “There is already a circular which allows regularization (…) The question is: ‘Do we want to simplify the lives of these workers today who sometimes pay taxes, social security contributions, but who benefit from nothing, who have no rights?’ “asks Gérard Ré, CGT confederal secretary in charge of Migrants activity.

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