what is aphasia, the disease suffered by Demi Moore’s ex?

The news made many unhappy on Tuesday, March 30, 2022. Indeed, Bruce Willis Although he has participated in several feature films, including no less than ten films scheduled for 2022, he will not make more. At least that’s what his entourage made it clear. announcing his retirement due to his illness.

Bruce has had health issues and was recently diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities. Following this and with great consideration, Bruce walks away from the career that meant so much to him. This is a truly difficult time for our family and we greatly appreciate your continued love, compassion and support.” we could read in a press release shared by the relatives of the one who was at the heart of a sex scandal a few years ago.

Farewell film sets. A few days after his 67th birthday, the American star bowed out after announcing that he was suffering from aphasia. It is a language disorder resulting in partial or total loss of speech or understanding. This disease usually occurs as a result of brain or head trauma, strokes, aneurysms or certain tumors. That said, the actor’s disorder has not been specified for the moment.

Because of aphasia, it is complicated for aphasic patients to communicate as they did before with their loved ones. That said, there is a degree of seriousness. So some will just struggle to find their words while others will need long pauses before they can continue their sentence. This does not prevent them from always being able to read, understand those around them or write.

Unfortunately in more serious cases, it is possible that people with this disorder can no longer understand what they say or read although they talk a lot and can gradually become unable to express themselves.

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