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In the event of adoption of the pension reform project, the left wishes to draw the referendum of shared initiative. To what extent can it be applied? Elements of response with the journalist Caroline Motte, on the set of 12/13, Thursday March 16.
The pension reform project is submitted to the vote of the deputies, Thursday, March 16. If adopted, the left would still have a card to play. “The RIP: the referendum of shared initiative, this is what the Communists want to propose. Deputy Stéphane Peu claims to have the agreement of 185 parliamentarians, necessary to file it and therefore force the executive to consult the French“, explains journalist Caroline Motte, on the set of 12/13, Thursday March 16. She continues: “This referendum must be triggered before the promulgation of the law and then the elected officials have nine months to collect the signatures of one tenth of the voters. […] The bar is high but some on the left believe in it: even if the law is passed, the game is not over.“
Marine Le Pen and the campaign accounts committee
In addition, Marine Le Pen has not finished with the costs of her campaign. “The commission of campaign accounts ticks on the rental of an apartment in Paris. A luxurious apartment close to the Champ de Mars nicknamed ‘le Refuge’“, indicates the journalist. An apartment in which the presidential candidate of 2022 notably shot several campaign videos. However, she already had a “Campaign headquarters in the 16th arrondissement“. Consequently, “the campaign accounts committee half convinced, decided to reimburse only half [des 78 000 euros engagés]“, details Caroline Motte. Finally, Éric Zemmour publishes, this Thursday, his latest book I didn’t say my last wordin which he mentions, among other things, “his intellectual friendship with Jean-Luc Mélenchon“.