Did the war in Ukraine and inflation have an impact on the generosity of the French in terms of donations? The Apprentis d’Auteuil Foundation and the Ipsos polling institute respond through their annual barometer.
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This survey falls on the day when the 2022 tax returns start, so it offers a fairly precise look at the actions or intentions of the French in terms of solidarity. And yes, the impact of the international and French situation is clearly being felt.
>> The generosity of the French on the rise in 2022, but the outlook for 2023 is less reassuring
International first. The year 2022 was marked by an increase in generosity thanks in particular to an outpouring of solidarity in favor of the victims of the war in Ukraine. One in two French people say they gave last year, a little more than 50% even, while in 2020 and 2021, we had dropped to 48%.
The proportion of young donors is stabilizing at a high level. It is interesting to note that the proportion of 18-24 year olds who donated last year is similar to that observed among seniors (aged 65 and over). Young and old share the same philosophy of the need to fund just causes.
More donations, but lower than in 2020
Donations made in 2022 are lower than at the start of the health crisis in 2020. Concretely, in 2020, donors had disbursed an average of 395 euros. In 2022, the average donation fell to 333 euros, which remains very honorable given the difficult context of purchasing power. As for high earners, there were fewer of them last year, but the average amount of donations increased to reach 2,372 euros per donor. Fewer people give, but more are given per capita.
The impact of rising prices will be clearly felt on donations this year and the first elements that come from the Ipsos survey are worrying associations. Testimonies collected from donors show that inflation, which is currently at its highest for 40 years, will have direct consequences on donations, in number and in value. Nearly two out of five donors surveyed expect to release a lower amount this year than in 2022, due to the decline in purchasing power.