What if we made caramel? Tricks with Thierry VINCENT master crepe maker in Nancy

Thierry explained to us the different kinds of caramel, soft, hard, topping… and how they are cooked, in particular because it’s quite strategic.

He gave us the salted butter caramel recipe that you can hear at the end of the show.

Our leader

Thierry VINCENT is a creperie and master restaurateur at the creperie “La Bolée” rue des ponts in Nancy

Our culinary expert

Stéphane “barbecue” is the founder of the largest community of barbecue fans on youtube. This guy from Lorraine shares his tips and tricks with us. Today, he tells us how to make caramel… On the barbecue.

One day a trade

Yannick Martineau, cheese maker at the Nancy central market, explained to us that we could make a kind of candy apple by coating goat droppings with caramel.

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