Varda Étienne is piloting a new dating show this winter. But not just any. Every week in What if it was you?, a disabled person picks their crush after a series of one-on-ones with three singles. This televisual appointment goes on the air Monday evening on AMI-télé, a channel serving the blind, with reduced mobility or hard of hearing. We discussed representativeness, reality TV and inclusion with the host.
The Press : What was your reaction when you were approached to host What if it was you?
Varda Étienne: I was super flattered that someone thought of me, but at the same time, a little surprised. I wasn’t sure I understood why I had been chosen. Because I don’t have a disability. I have a “mental handicap”, that is to say that I suffer from a mental illness, but I have no physical handicap.
LP: Why is it important that a show like What if it was you? exist ?
V.E. : I will say one word: inclusion. It doesn’t matter who you are, whether you have a disability or not, it’s very important that you have the same opportunities as a straight white man. We got there!

Scene from the show What if it was you?
LP: When we talk about romantic reality shows, we think of the usual clichés, such as perfect bodies in swimsuits, people in search of visibility… Did you have any fears about What if it was you? ?
V.E. : Of course ! Does a person with a disability automatically want to be in a relationship with someone with a disability? No way ! And that’s why we sent our participants to blind date with all kinds of people. And then, I didn’t really know what to expect. I didn’t want it to be a corny reality show with pitiful people. When you watch the show, there’s never a time when you want to say, “Awww… So sorry for them!” That’s not it at all. It’s a hop on life series, which gives hope of being in a relationship, which shows that everyone can have a chance. You don’t have to have a six-pack to find love. And it’s good fun!
LP : Êtes-vous une amatrice de téléréalité ?
V. É. : Oui. C’est mon plaisir coupable. Présentement, je suis obsédée par Big Brother Célébrités. C’est la meilleure saison ! Je regarde tous les épisodes en direct. Je ne réponds pas à mon téléphone entre 18 h 30 et 19 h. Je bitche, je pitche ma télécommande, j’ai des groupes de discussion, j’appelle mes amis… Je CA-PO-TE ! Le choix des participants est parfait. Mona de Grenoble for president ! Et LeLouis [Courchesne]… He is an excellent player. I love to hate him.
LP: We have been talking a lot about representativeness for a few years. In your opinion, has television improved on this issue?
V.E. : Absolutely. There is still a long way to go, but I see that there is a change. And I know that the longer it goes, the more there will be changes. And for the better. For racialized people, for example… Of course there aren’t enough of them yet, but are there more than before? Absolutely. I have children aged 30, 20 and 17. My two youngest, who consume a lot of TV, tell me that there is something for everyone today. I couldn’t say that when I was 17 or 18.
AMI-tele presents What if it was you? from Monday at 8 p.m.