Every Saturday, two economists debate topics that mark economic and social news.
Reading time: 17 min

Emmanuel Cugny and Jean-Rémi Baudot receive Anne-Sophie Alsif, teacher of economics at La Sorbonne, head economist of the research company BDO France; And Christian Saint-Etiennemember of the Circle of Economists, professor of industrial economics at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.
Prime Minister Gabriel Attal must specify on Sunday the contours of the unemployment insurance reform. A few days before, the Minister of Labor Catherine Vautrin presented the avenues of work to the social partners, with tougher conditions of access to compensation. The measures envisaged would allow 3.6 billion euros in savings.
Myth or reality ? What path is the government taking in the home stretch of Macron’s second five-year term?
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