“What I see disgusts me!”

A wave of indignation and anger has shaken the whole of France since the tragic death of Nahel, a 17-year-old teenager, shot dead by a policeman in Nanterre, after refusing to comply. Following the incident, the riots, reflecting the frustration and existing tensions between the residents and the police, multiplied… much to the chagrin of Nabilla who visibly can no longer bear to see so much violence. This Friday, June 30, 2023, the influencer took to her social networks to share her pain. “I can’t go on the networks anymore, what I see disgusts me, I’m too sad, too angry, too much painshe confided in Instagram story before adding the hashtag “intolerable”.

See also:

The personalities are mobilizing

Upset by the death of the young man, the mother of Milann and Leyann has been indignant on the web since June 27, without however endorsing the excesses. The wife of Thomas Vergara is not the only one to have spoken following the death of the boy. For his part, Omar Sy demanded a “justice worthy of the name”. Mathieu Kassovitz, meanwhile, also wanted to speak. “This is a sad day with the death of Nahel yesterday, killed by a gendarme, we see in the videos, I’m talking to you here because I’m starting to receive requests for interviews, and I feel that if I put my hand inside… It’s not the first time I’ve been asked, because as soon as there’s a blunder, obviously La Haine is brought up to date, it’s been like that for thirty years, there it comes back “he confided on the verge of tears.

“Apparently there are some who still haven’t understood that they are young people opposite, they are sons, they are not thugs, criminals, they do not have a weapon”he added before continuing: “The police are still untrained, they’re freaking out, all that kind of stuff, why the police blunders happened, they’re not dealing with angels either, obviously, but the problem is, we will never resolve these questions until we condemn the police.” Words that elicited strong reactions…


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