what health problems does he suffer from?

She would probably have preferred to go to the hospital as part of her pregnancy to see the progress of it… Indeed, this Wednesday, April 6, Nabilla had the fear of her life when she went to see if her little Milann was sleeping soundly. Thomas Vergara’s partner has the habit of “visiting” his beauty at night to check if he manages to hold himself back since he hasn’t worn diapers for some time.

But going to see him at 4 a.m. is much worse than a bed wetting she was witnessing. Milann was no longer breathing… “We didn’t sleep all night. We went to the hospital because our son was not breathing”, announces Nabilla on her social networks, still under the influence of emotion. The one who will become a mother for a second time in the coming months then gave more details on her son’s health problem: “He had his lungs that were completely… He actually picked up bacteria and he couldn’t even call me during the night. […] I woke up at 4 a.m. to go see him and he was wide awake. He couldn’t even speak, he couldn’t breathe so we took him to the emergency room.”.

Milann is better

A little later, it was Thomas Vergara who took to his social networks to give news in turn. The young dad explained to his community what the doctors had done to treat Milann. “We stayed until 6 a.m. They put him on a respirator to disinfect, with products inside. We bought a machine too”.

More fear than harm. At the time of writing these lines, Milann is out of trouble as Nabilla let it be known, who assured that he was going “very well”. However, the little boy is still being monitored even though he was able to return home while staying “under breathing apparatus”.

See also: Nabilla: the family is growing!


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