what health measures will Joe Biden announce, Tuesday, December 21?



France 3

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With the arrival of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, contamination is increasing in the United States. In duplex from Washington in 19/20, Tuesday, December 21, journalist Lionel Feuerstein discusses the measures that the US government could take.

In the United States, the health situation continues to deteriorate. In duplex from Washington on Tuesday, December 21 in the 19/20 of France 3, the journalist Lionel Feuerstein reports that the country identifies “250,000 new contaminations per day “, and could record some “up to a million in the next few weeks if nothing is done“The speech of US President Joe Biden is therefore”eagerly awaited“.

According to the journalist, the head of state “shouldn’t talk about confinement” but on the other hand, “the authorities announce the massive and free distribution of nearly 500 million self-tests to encourage screening“.”1,000 nurses and doctors should be deployed across the country for vaccination centers“, adds Lionel Feuerstein. He specifies that in New York,”the mayor has provided for the third dose an exceptional bonus of 100 dollars per inhabitant“.

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