what he finds today “very bland”!

Already several weeks that Vianney no longer spoke on his social networks to give news to his fans. Yet his community is used to receiving information from their idol maybe not daily, but at least once a week. The coach of The Voice very often filming themselves a few hours before a concert or a big event. Moreover, this also has the merit of worrying most of its subscribers.

Like the time he announced he was “ready to die tonight”. An intriguing message that did not fail to make Internet users react. Dad recently, Vianney filmed himself in the process of preparing a bottle when he was to give a concert the same evening at Bercy. This is why, in order to give some information to the spectators who were going to attend his show a few hours later, the artist wanted to “reassure” them in his own way. “Friends, I’m finishing something & I’m off to Bercy. It doesn’t look like it, but I planned to die on stage tonight”, he was ironic.

Bad luck for the artist

But this Friday, May 20, it was with much less humor that he took over his Instagram account. Indeed, whoever would be very capricious about The Voice posted intriguing messages suggesting he needed a career break. “Friends, I’ve really not been very present on the networks lately. Often, I blame myself because it’s important to give news to the people we love”he began before giving some reasons for his absence.

Indeed, the artist continued: “I tried to give you everything on each date, sincerely, truly… and after our last Zenith, the networks suddenly seemed very bland to me. Well you, these thousands of people, you are with me every day”. Vianney therefore wanted to thank his community for the support it gave him on a daily basis. It is also for this reason that, despite his mental fatigue, he wishes to offer her a nice surprise. “I’m working, I’m also resting, enjoying mine, but you’re still here. Next week, I’m going to do an Insta live where I’ll tell you all about it and sing whatever you want”he finally concluded.

See also: Vianney: the singer violently attacked…


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