Guillaume Douet who therefore exercises the beautiful profession of osteopath in Vienne, questioned the name “phrenoglottic myoclonus” and it seems that everything is said in this name which however speaks little to us.
Myo : muscular, clonus : reflex uncontrolled contraction, phren : diaphragm, glottis : airway.
Ok, but why are the hiccups happening?
The diaphragm reacts excessively by contracting very strongly, after information which arrives in a disturbed way on the diaphragm because the nerve which transmits this message is irritated. This nerve is the phrenic nerve which goes from the cervical to the diaphragm, passing between the lungs.
After a well-watered festive meal, when the stomach brings up the diaphragm, then the phrenic nerve can be irritated and send information that will trigger the hiccups.
They say you have to scare the person who has a hiccup.
When we have an intense fear, we will jump and automatically hold our breath, suddenly the diaphragm contracted very strongly performs a reset. Normal breathing resumes.
Massage is also a good solution, it is, whatever the stratagem used, to regain control over your breathing.