What happens after Kevin McCarthy is impeached?

The House of Representatives is in uncharted territory after a far-right attempt to remove Republican Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House of Representatives succeeded thanks to support from Democrats.

A resolution ― titled “motion to quash” ― introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (a Republican from Florida) passed Tuesday with the support of eight Republicans and all Democrats present and voting. The vote makes Mr. McCarthy the first House speaker in history to be removed from office, a bitter humiliation that comes after less than nine months on the job.

The California Republican said shortly after that he would not seek re-election. The stunning result in the House of Representatives shocked lawmakers from both parties and left them wondering about the future.

Republican Patrick McHenry, who now serves as acting speaker, has suspended House proceedings until the two parties decide on a path forward. There is no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority now that Mr. McCarthy has chosen not to run again.

Here’s a look at what could happen:

Who runs the House now?

Immediately after the vote, Mr. McHenry, a close ally of Mr. McCarthy, was named temporary speaker of the House, or president pro tempore. The North Carolina Republican was chosen from a list that the Speaker of the House is required to maintain and which contains the names of members who could fill the position in the event of a vacancy in the presidency.

Mr. McCarthy delivered this private list to the Clerk of the House in January, when he was first elected Speaker. Although Mr. McHenry can serve in this temporary position indefinitely, he does not have the full powers of a duly elected president, only those deemed “necessary and appropriate” for the purpose of electing someone to this position. , according to the rules that govern the House.

Mr. McHenry will not be able to introduce or withdraw any bills. He also has no authority to issue subpoenas or approve other official House business that would require the approval of the Speaker of the House.

What is happening now?

Mr. McHenry’s first task will be to elect a new president.

At this time, it is not yet clear who House Republicans will nominate for president. Some MPs left the chamber on Tuesday determined to re-appoint Mr McCarthy and vote for him as speaker until he is elected. But now that he is no longer in the running, the way is clear for any Republican.

Some members, including Mr. Gaetz, talked about potential consensus candidates like Majority Leader Steve Scalise or Whip Tom Emmer, whom they see as unifiers. Other names under discussion include Rep. Kevin Hern, the Republican study committee chairman, and Rep. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and a favorite of the party’s right wing.

Once the Republicans have chosen their presidential candidate, the House will have to vote as many times as necessary for a candidate to obtain the majority of those present and voting for the presidency. The exercise can quickly become arduous, as was the case in January when Mr. McCarthy had to undergo an unprecedented 15 rounds of voting to win the position.

Another president?

When a presidential candidate has received a majority of votes, the clerk announces the results of the election.

In a normal election, which takes place at the start of each Congress, a bipartisan commission, usually composed of members from the chosen candidate’s home state, then escorts the president-elect to the chair on the dais where he takes an oath. This oath is identical to the one that new members will take once the president has been chosen.

It is not certain that the same procedure will be followed in the present case. The custom is for the minority leader to join his or her successor in the speaker’s chair, where they pass the gavel to each other in recognition of the potential future working relationship between one party leader and another.

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