The former minister, now vice-president of the hemicycle, believes that by signing the text supported by LFI, the PS “weakens the National Assembly”.
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“I am truly appalled by what happened in the Bureau” of the National Assembly, commented on franceinfo on Monday, September 23, the vice-president of the hemicycle and former Minister of Industry Roland Lescure. The body validated on Tuesday, September 17, the procedure for the dismissal of Emmanuel Macron, supported by La France insoumise.
By 12 votes to 10, this motion was deemed admissible and leads to the transmission of the text to the Laws Committee. A score corresponding to the short majority held within the bureau by the New Popular Front, including the socialists.
“The Socialist Party has weakened the National Assembly by agreeing to vote for this impeachment procedure, I regret it,” hammered the vice-president of the institution, who intends “preserve” the institutional strength of the Palais Bourbon. “That France Insoumise decides to undermine the institutions, they have been doing it for years, nothing new under the Caracas sun but that the Socialist Party decides that it is being debated, it weakens the presidential institution, but especially the Bureau and the National Assembly”he lamented.
“Choosing a prime minister is the prerogative of the president. ; that they do not like it [à La France insoumise] is not a reason to initiate this procedure”continued Rolland Lescure. “What happened is serious”he said. “If we start to undermine institutions based on polls, it will be the end of representative democracy.”continued the former Minister Delegate. “Be careful not to play with these institutions”he warned.