what happened in the village of Kfar Aza?



Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – C. Vérove, M. Khiat, L. Krikorian, @RevelateursFTV, P. Minet

France Televisions

Among the tally of Hamas victims in Israel, there is talk of more than 100 deaths in the Kibbutz of Kfar Aza. Soldiers and journalists struggle to put into words what happened.

VShow many inhabitants of Kfar Aza were murdered by Hamas ? Pwhy the army did she put plusers heures to intervene? 24 heures apres there discovery of a massacreyears THE kibbutz, THE questions remainnt notombrthey. It’s 6:30 a.m. Saturday October 7 lorsque Hamas invades THE village for 2 kilometers of Gaza. According to L’army isrlink, 70 attackers infiltrate, including some by air on microlights. The 400 inhabitantsitants from the village are taken by surprise, murderedyears their house, certains coldly slaughtered while trying to fuir. The houses are burnedes pto force them out.

The Israeli army took several hours to arrive

Have babies been decapitated? HASToday the Israeli army is talking about children mutilated. “He still need to check THE exact numbersdeclares Olivier Rafowicz, spokesperson for the Israeli army. The toll of 40 decapitated babies could not be verified by any journalist on site. According to the Israeli army, eour 100 to 150 people were killedes avbefore their arrival. We heardit hell dyears the village, shots, bursts, but we did not hear our army. Person didn’t come nou rescue pfor ten hoursdetails a resident. THE Hamas claims to have neutralized by drone the devices close monitorings of Kfar Aza. Some military temoigneous ofa difficult hunt terroristss. Several soldates recognize not to have been prprotected from such intrusion.

Among our sources

Filming of our editorial team in Israel

Agency images AFP – Associated Press

BBC reports

CNN Reports

Israeli army

Images shot by Hamas

Non-exhaustive list

source site-29
